Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Indie In My Eyes pt. 2

Its back!
Revolutionary Vol. pts. 1 and 2 by Immortal Technique
Oh Inverted World by the Shins
Is This It by the Strokes
You Forgot It In People by Broken Social Scene
Funeral by Arcade Fire
Some Loud Thunder by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah


Jennifer said...

Okay, so did you see that Crazy Lady responded to me and then deleted her OWN comment and CHANGED it??!! Ha ha ha ha! Oh Jeez.....

Jennifer said...

Dang it--I need your e-mail address!! :o) I just saw what you posted on the Troll's blog---ha ha ha ha ha! Now I feel like someone's got my back f' reals! :oD I am still cracking up!! Hey, did you notice that her blog is titled "Here I Go Again"---Oh there are so many ways to interpret that!